Stonehouse Media developed Interactive Case Stories for the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation’s Fire Hero Learning Network to take fire service members inside severe fire incidents that contain important lessons learned for all departments and personnel. Stonehouse proposed the Interactive Case Story idea to the NFFF to bring a next-level realism to the typical written case study. The NFFF was immediately on board with the idea because they saw the potential to revolutionize how the age-old concept of “case studies” and “lessons learned” could be re-invented in the digital, multimedia age to be high-impact, memorable, and motivating to make change.
Stonehouse’s highly visual approach to telling these Interactive Case Stories uses documentary interviews, 3D animation, custom graphics, photos, satellite and street view imagery, audio excerpts, bodycam footage, timelines, and supporting resources to bring the gripping written narrative of a critical fire incident to life. The immersive Interactive Case Stories deliver the closest post-incident case study experience to having been at the actual event. The engaging visuals and powerful words help viewers retain the important lessons learned so they can apply them to their practice to prevent events like these in the future.

The first Interactive Case Story follows the fireball incident at 327 E. Boyd St. in Los Angeles in 2020 that burned and injured eleven firefighters, some significantly. The Story centers on an original, comprehensive written account of the case supported by clips from a full-length documentary made for the NFFF by Full Vision Productions (Robert Manciero, Producer/Director). Stonehouse created new 3D animations and diagrams to illustrate the key events in the incident, including movements and actions of responding crews, building contents, fire flow, and escape routes. As the user scrolls to view and read, new media appears and users can click to see bodycam footage showing the conditions and hear the firefighters describe their harrowing escape and survival. The Story concludes with punctuating the actionable lessons learned and linking to additional, in-depth resources for further learning. As of January 31, 2025, the Boyd St. Interactive Case Story has over 7000 pageviews.
Two more Fire Hero Learning Network Interactive Case Stories are planned for 2025. Stonehouse Media is discussing bringing Interactive Case Stories to other clients’ networks.